The University of California Merced is seeking four new faculty members (open rank) to enhance extant strength and build new interdisciplinary programs. This is the first of several cluster hires in the broad area of sustainability, and will focus on food, water and agriculture, and support the university mission of creating positive socio-economic and cultural impact on Central California and the world. Successful candidates will compete in an interdisciplinary pool, and have a record of accomplishment in areas including but not limited to: food security, agro- ecology, agrotechnology, and food-water systems from multidisciplinary perspectives.
The University of California Merced is seeking one or two faculty members (open rank) levels in ecological sciences, environmental, mechanical, or sustainability engineering, or environmental health related fields focused on sustainable agricultural systems. These positions are part of UC Merced’s ongoing interdisciplinary cluster hires in this area. The successful candidate(s) will have a record of accomplishment related to food availability, security, and stability, or innovative technologies to improve sustainable agricultural systems. Potential research areas include but are not limited to nutrient systems and cycling, agro-biodiversity, pests and diseases, precision agriculture, food processing, water reuse, and waste commoditization. Full details are available at:
The University of California Merced is seeking one or two faculty members (open rank) in systems engineering, environmental management, resource conservation, process modeling, and life-cycle analysis in the context of optimal development and management of agriculture to balance crop production, food processing, community development, ecosystems and human health. These positions are part of UC Merced’s ongoing interdisciplinary cluster hires in this area. The successful candidate(s) will have a record of accomplishment in areas including but not limited to agro-water-ecosystem management, climate change adaptation, groundwater-surface water conjunctive use, and optimal harvest, processing, distribution and waste management systems. Full details are available at:
The University of California Merced is seeking one or two faculty members (open rank) in the humanities, social sciences and related fields, with active interests in sustainable food, water and agricultural systems. These positions are part of UC Merced’s ongoing interdisciplinary cluster hires in this area. The successful candidate(s) will have a record of accomplishment in areas including but not limited to past and present (prehistoric, historical, contemporary) societies and food security, resource economics, human health and diet, human sense-of-place and landscape, land-use change, agricultural labor and community structures, institutions, policy, and artistic or literary representations. Full details are available at:
Applicants must have a strong publication record and have demonstrated the potential to develop and support an independent, innovative research program and to engage in interdisciplinary collaboration. Applicants must be able to teach and train effectively at both undergraduate and graduate levels.
Salary is commensurate with education, experience, and UC academic salary scales.
These are part of a broad range of interdisciplinary topics of interest in this search. Candidates may be affiliated with one or more academic units with the primary appointment being determined by the candidate’s research and teaching interests and qualifications.
Ph.D. in a field relevant to the topics of interest indicated above is required by the start date. Candidates with broad interests, a record of research excellence and creativity and the potential for active interdisciplinary collaboration will be preferred.
Applications must be submitted via the website and must include (1) a cover letter stating research area of interest; (2) curriculum vitae; (3) research statement; (4) teaching statement; (5) a diversity statement.
Deadline: Positions are open until filled; consideration of applications will begin on November 1, 2016
Salary: Negotiable based on the University of California salary scales.
The University of California, Merced is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer with a strong institutional commitment to the achievement of diversity among its faculty, students and staff. The University is supportive of dual career couples.